WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF Adology Innovative Marketing Solutions(AIMS) OPC Pvt. Ltd
The Beginning
Our journey started in 2010, mere with just a thought of giving extra benefits’ to customers with hand in hand business growth of the shopkeepers.
In the initial years, we a team of three, crafted with passion to delivery our ideas into a real effective platform, there came into existence a company named “ B2B MEDIA ADVERTSING & PROMOTIOMS PVT. LTD., in year 2013.
This company has gained renowned name in Advertising & Printing industry serving ample of clients from Mumbai & Pune. Going through many ups & down, all three working in different stream for day to day businesses, today, over a period of time, with the same purpose and vision and with the new name “ ADOLOGY INNOVATIVE MARKETING SOLUTIONS OPC PRIVATE LIMITED “ is there before you.
The Company
ADOLOGY INNOVATIVE MARKETING SOLUTIONS OPC PRIVATE LIMITED incorporated on 07/04/2023 with UNI no. U73100MH2023OPC400285, has its registered office in Chembur, Mumbai. As a short form of the name , we mainly say it My AIMS Club.
My AIMS Club
INNOVATIVE MARKETING SOLUTIONS OPC PRIVATE LIMITED / My AiMS Club has come up with unique online shopping portal www.myaimsclub.com, where vendors gets an opportunity to excess there own store.
History of the company
Our journey started in 2010, mere with just a thought of giving extra benefits’ to customers with hand in hand business growth of the shopkeepers. In the initial years, we a team of three, crafted with passion to delivery our ideas into a real effective platform
Why Choose Us
Phasellus ac nisi eu augue tristique ullamcorper eu consectetur justo.
Official brands all over the world
Sattisfied Completely Customers
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Etiam dictum porttitor malesuada. In justo massa, venenatis eu laoreet vel, pellentesque non ligula. Nulla laoreet ut eros id maximus. Quisque odio orci, vulputate varius rutrum ut, elementum id sapien. Cras elemen-tum nec quam ut molestie. Donec eu nibh sem. Praesent Quis Cangue Justo, pharetra mollis ipsum. Sed scelerisque nunc eu finibus pellen-tesque. Etiam non eros ex. Maecenas eu faucibus lectus.
Morbi mattis turpis in leo fermentum egestas. Maecenas accumsan dolor id varius euismod. Phaselluvs ac nisi eu augue tristique ullamcorp-er. Nam eu consectetur justo. Curabitur sit amet vulputate lacus, sed feu-giat ante. Nam id commodo arcu, eu venenatis nisl. Aenean sed porttitor nulla.
10,000+ Satisfied Business & Customers
Pellentesque lacus eros, porta rutrum tortor ac, blandit malesu